home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* sed - stream editor Author: Eric S. Raymond */
- /* This used to be three different files with the following makefile:
- * (Note the chmem).
- CFLAGS= -F -T.
- OBJS= sedcomp.s sedexec.s
- sed: $(OBJS)
- cc -T. -o sed $(OBJS)
- @chmem =13312 sed
- $(OBJS): sed.h
- * If you want longer lines: increase MAXBUF.
- * If you want scripts with more text: increase POOLSIZE.
- * If you want more commands per script: increase MAXCMDS.
- */
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- /*+++++++++++++++*/
- /* Sed.h -- types and constants for the stream editor */
- /* Data area sizes used by both modules */
- #define MAXBUF 4000 /* current line buffer size */
- #define MAXAPPENDS 20 /* maximum number of appends */
- #define MAXTAGS 9 /* tagged patterns are \1 to \9 */
- /* Constants for compiled-command representation */
- #define EQCMD 0x01 /* = -- print current line number */
- #define ACMD 0x02 /* a -- append text after current line */
- #define BCMD 0x03 /* b -- branch to label */
- #define CCMD 0x04 /* c -- change current line */
- #define DCMD 0x05 /* d -- delete all of pattern space */
- #define CDCMD 0x06 /* D -- delete first line of pattern space */
- #define GCMD 0x07 /* g -- copy hold space to pattern space */
- #define CGCMD 0x08 /* G -- append hold space to pattern space */
- #define HCMD 0x09 /* h -- copy pattern space to hold space */
- #define CHCMD 0x0A /* H -- append pattern space to hold space */
- #define ICMD 0x0B /* i -- insert text before current line */
- #define LCMD 0x0C /* l -- print pattern space in escaped form */
- #define NCMD 0x0D /* n -- get next line into pattern space */
- #define CNCMD 0x0E /* N -- append next line to pattern space */
- #define PCMD 0x0F /* p -- print pattern space to output */
- #define CPCMD 0x10 /* P -- print first line of pattern space */
- #define QCMD 0x11 /* q -- exit the stream editor */
- #define RCMD 0x12 /* r -- read in a file after current line */
- #define SCMD 0x13 /* s -- regular-expression substitute */
- #define TCMD 0x14 /* t -- branch on any substitute successful */
- #define CTCMD 0x15 /* T -- branch on any substitute failed */
- #define WCMD 0x16 /* w -- write pattern space to file */
- #define CWCMD 0x17 /* W -- write first line of pattern space */
- #define XCMD 0x18 /* x -- exhange pattern and hold spaces */
- #define YCMD 0x19 /* y -- transliterate text */
- struct cmd_t { /* compiled-command representation */
- char *addr1; /* first address for command */
- char *addr2; /* second address for command */
- union {
- char *lhs; /* s command lhs */
- struct cmd_t *link; /* label link */
- } u;
- char command; /* command code */
- char *rhs; /* s command replacement string */
- FILE *fout; /* associated output file descriptor */
- struct {
- char allbut; /* was negation specified? */
- char global; /* was g postfix specified? */
- char print; /* was p postfix specified? */
- char inrange; /* in an address range? */
- } flags;
- };
- typedef struct cmd_t sedcmd; /* use this name for declarations */
- #define BAD ((char *) -1) /* guaranteed not a string ptr */
- /* Address and regular expression compiled-form markers */
- #define STAR 1 /* marker for Kleene star */
- #define CCHR 2 /* non-newline character to be matched
- * follows */
- #define CDOT 4 /* dot wild-card marker */
- #define CCL 6 /* character class follows */
- #define CNL 8 /* match line start */
- #define CDOL 10 /* match line end */
- #define CBRA 12 /* tagged pattern start marker */
- #define CKET 14 /* tagged pattern end marker */
- #define CBACK 16 /* backslash-digit pair marker */
- #define CLNUM 18 /* numeric-address index follows */
- #define CEND 20 /* symbol for end-of-source */
- #define CEOF 22 /* end-of-field mark */
- /* Sed.h ends here */
- #ifndef CMASK
- #define CMASK 0xFF /* some char type should have been unsigned
- * char? */
- #endif
- /*+++++++++++++++*/
- /* Sed - stream editor Author: Eric S. Raymond */
- /*
- The stream editor compiles its command input (from files or -e options)
- into an internal form using compile() then executes the compiled form using
- execute(). Main() just initializes data structures, interprets command line
- options, and calls compile() and execute() in appropriate sequence.
- The data structure produced by compile() is an array of compiled-command
- structures (type sedcmd). These contain several pointers into pool[], the
- regular-expression and text-data pool, plus a command code and g & p flags.
- In the special case that the command is a label the struct will hold a ptr
- into the labels array labels[] during most of the compile, until resolve()
- resolves references at the end.
- The operation of execute() is described in its source module.
- */
- /* #include <stdio.h> */
- /* #include "sed.h" */
- /* Imported functions */
- /***** public stuff ******/
- #define MAXCMDS 500 /* maximum number of compiled commands */
- #define MAXLINES 256 /* max # numeric addresses to compile */
- /* Main data areas */
- char linebuf[MAXBUF + 1]; /* current-line buffer */
- sedcmd cmds[MAXCMDS + 1]; /* hold compiled commands */
- long linenum[MAXLINES]; /* numeric-addresses table */
- /* Miscellaneous shared variables */
- int nflag; /* -n option flag */
- int eargc; /* scratch copy of argument count */
- char **eargv; /* scratch copy of argument list */
- char bits[] = {1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128};
- /***** module common stuff *****/
- #define POOLSIZE 20000 /* size of string-pool space */
- #define WFILES 10 /* max # w output files that can be compiled */
- #define RELIMIT 256 /* max chars in compiled RE */
- #define MAXDEPTH 20 /* maximum {}-nesting level */
- #define MAXLABS 50 /* max # of labels that can be handled */
- #define SKIPWS(pc) while ((*pc==' ') || (*pc=='\t')) pc++
- /* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
- #define ABORT(msg) (fprintf(stderr, msg, linebuf), quit(2))
- /* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
- #define IFEQ(x, v) if (*x == v) x++ , /* do expression */
- /* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
- /* Error messages */
- static char AGMSG[] = "sed: garbled address %s\n";
- static char CGMSG[] = "sed: garbled command %s\n";
- static char TMTXT[] = "sed: too much text: %s\n";
- static char AD1NG[] = "sed: no addresses allowed for %s\n";
- static char AD2NG[] = "sed: only one address allowed for %s\n";
- static char TMCDS[] = "sed: too many commands, last was %s\n";
- static char COCFI[] = "sed: cannot open command-file %s\n";
- static char UFLAG[] = "sed: unknown flag %c\n";
- static char CCOFI[] = "sed: cannot create %s\n";
- static char ULABL[] = "sed: undefined label %s\n";
- static char TMLBR[] = "sed: too many {'s\n";
- static char FRENL[] = "sed: first RE must be non-null\n";
- static char NSCAX[] = "sed: no such command as %s\n";
- static char TMRBR[] = "sed: too many }'s\n";
- static char DLABL[] = "sed: duplicate label %s\n";
- static char TMLAB[] = "sed: too many labels: %s\n";
- static char TMWFI[] = "sed: too many w files\n";
- static char REITL[] = "sed: RE too long: %s\n";
- static char TMLNR[] = "sed: too many line numbers\n";
- static char TRAIL[] = "sed: command \"%s\" has trailing garbage\n";
- typedef struct { /* represent a command label */
- char *name; /* the label name */
- sedcmd *last; /* it's on the label search list */
- sedcmd *address; /* pointer to the cmd it labels */
- }
- label;
- /* Label handling */
- static label labels[MAXLABS]; /* here's the label table */
- static label *lab = labels + 1; /* pointer to current label */
- static label *lablst = labels; /* header for search list */
- /* String pool for regular expressions, append text, etc. etc. */
- static char pool[POOLSIZE]; /* the pool */
- static char *fp = pool; /* current pool pointer */
- static char *poolend = pool + POOLSIZE; /* pointer past pool end */
- /* Compilation state */
- static FILE *cmdf = NULL; /* current command source */
- static char *cp = linebuf; /* compile pointer */
- static sedcmd *cmdp = cmds; /* current compiled-cmd ptr */
- static char *lastre = NULL; /* old RE pointer */
- static int bdepth = 0; /* current {}-nesting level */
- static int bcount = 0; /* # tagged patterns in current RE */
- /* Compilation flags */
- static int eflag; /* -e option flag */
- static int gflag; /* -g option flag */
- int main (int argc, char **argv);
- static void compile (void);
- static int cmdcomp (int cchar);
- static char *rhscomp (char *rhsp, int delim);
- static char *recomp (char *expbuf, int redelim);
- static int cmdline (char *cbuf);
- static char *address (char *expbuf);
- static char *gettext (char *txp);
- static label *search (label *ptr);
- static void resolve (void);
- static char *ycomp (char *ep, int delim);
- void quit (int n);
- void execute (void);
- static int selected (sedcmd *ipc);
- static int match (char *expbuf, int gf);
- static int advance (char *lp, char *ep);
- static int substitute (sedcmd *ipc);
- static void dosub (char *rhsbuf);
- static char *place (char *asp, char *al1, char *al2);
- static void listto (char *p1, FILE *fp);
- static void truncated (int h);
- static void command (sedcmd *ipc);
- static void openfile (char *file);
- static void get (void);
- static void initget (void);
- static char *getline (char *buf);
- static int Memcmp (char *a, char *b, int count);
- static void readout (void);
- int main(argc, argv)
- /* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
- /* Main sequence of the stream editor */
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- {
- eargc = argc; /* set local copy of argument count */
- eargv = argv; /* set local copy of argument list */
- cmdp->addr1 = pool; /* 1st addr expand will be at pool start */
- if (eargc == 1) quit(0); /* exit immediately if no arguments */
- /* Scan through the arguments, interpreting each one */
- while ((--eargc > 0) && (**++eargv == '-')) switch (eargv[0][1]) {
- case 'e':
- eflag++;
- compile(); /* compile with e flag on */
- eflag = 0;
- continue; /* get another argument */
- case 'f':
- if (eargc-- <= 0) /* barf if no -f file */
- quit(2);
- if ((cmdf = fopen(*++eargv, "r")) == NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr, COCFI, *eargv);
- quit(2);
- }
- compile(); /* file is O.K., compile it */
- fclose(cmdf);
- continue; /* go back for another argument */
- case 'g':
- gflag++; /* set global flag on all s cmds */
- continue;
- case 'n':
- nflag++; /* no print except on p flag or w */
- continue;
- default:
- fprintf(stdout, UFLAG, eargv[0][1]);
- continue;
- }
- if (cmdp == cmds) { /* no commands have been compiled */
- eargv--;
- eargc++;
- eflag++;
- compile();
- eflag = 0;
- eargv++;
- eargc--;
- }
- if (bdepth) /* we have unbalanced squigglies */
- lablst->address = cmdp; /* set up header of label linked list */
- resolve(); /* resolve label table indirections */
- execute(); /* execute commands */
- quit(0); /* everything was O.K. if we got here */
- return(0);
- }
- #define H 0x80 /* 128 bit, on if there's really code for
- * command */
- #define LOWCMD 56 /* = '8', lowest char indexed in cmdmask */
- /* Indirect through this to get command internal code, if it exists */
- static char cmdmask[] =
- {
- 0, 0, H, 0, 0, H + EQCMD, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, H + CDCMD, 0, 0, CGCMD,
- CHCMD, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, CNCMD, 0,
- CPCMD, 0, 0, 0, H + CTCMD, 0, 0, H + CWCMD,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, H + ACMD, H + BCMD, H + CCMD, DCMD, 0, 0, GCMD,
- HCMD, H + ICMD, 0, 0, H + LCMD, 0, NCMD, 0,
- PCMD, H + QCMD, H + RCMD, H + SCMD, H + TCMD, 0, 0, H + WCMD,
- XCMD, H + YCMD, 0, H + BCMD, 0, H, 0, 0,
- };
- static void compile()
- /* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
- /* Precompile sed commands out of a file */
- {
- char ccode;
- for (;;) { /* main compilation loop */
- if (*cp == '\0') { /* get a new command line */
- *linebuf = '\0'; /* K.H */
- if (cmdline(cp = linebuf) < 0) break;
- }
- SKIPWS(cp);
- if (*cp == '\0') /* empty */
- continue;
- if (*cp == '#') { /* comment */
- while (*cp) ++cp;
- continue;
- }
- if (*cp == ';') { /* ; separates cmds */
- cp++;
- continue;
- }
- /* Compile first address */
- if (fp > poolend)
- else if ((fp = address(cmdp->addr1 = fp)) == BAD)
- if (fp == cmdp->addr1) {/* if empty RE was found */
- if (lastre) /* if there was previous RE */
- cmdp->addr1 = lastre; /* use it */
- else
- } else if (fp == NULL) {/* if fp was NULL */
- fp = cmdp->addr1; /* use current pool location */
- cmdp->addr1 = NULL;
- } else {
- lastre = cmdp->addr1;
- if (*cp == ',' || *cp == ';') { /* there's 2nd addr */
- cp++;
- if (fp > poolend) ABORT(TMTXT);
- fp = address(cmdp->addr2 = fp);
- if (fp == BAD || fp == NULL) ABORT(AGMSG);
- if (fp == cmdp->addr2)
- cmdp->addr2 = lastre;
- else
- lastre = cmdp->addr2;
- } else
- cmdp->addr2 = NULL; /* no 2nd address */
- }
- if (fp > poolend) ABORT(TMTXT);
- SKIPWS(cp); /* discard whitespace after address */
- IFEQ(cp, '!') cmdp->flags.allbut = 1;
- SKIPWS(cp); /* get cmd char, range-check it */
- if ((*cp < LOWCMD) || (*cp > '~')
- || ((ccode = cmdmask[*cp - LOWCMD]) == 0))
- cmdp->command = ccode & ~H; /* fill in command value */
- if ((ccode & H) == 0) /* if no compile-time code */
- cp++; /* discard command char */
- else if (cmdcomp(*cp++))/* execute it; if ret = 1 */
- continue; /* skip next line read */
- if (++cmdp >= cmds + MAXCMDS) ABORT(TMCDS);
- SKIPWS(cp); /* look for trailing stuff */
- if (*cp != '\0' && *cp != ';' && *cp != '#') ABORT(TRAIL);
- }
- }
- static int cmdcomp(cchar)
- /* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
- /* Compile a single command */
- register char cchar; /* character name of command */
- {
- static sedcmd **cmpstk[MAXDEPTH]; /* current cmd stack for {} */
- static char *fname[WFILES]; /* w file name pointers */
- static FILE *fout[WFILES]; /* w file file ptrs */
- static int nwfiles = 1; /* count of open w files */
- int i; /* indexing dummy used in w */
- sedcmd *sp1, *sp2; /* temps for label searches */
- label *lpt;
- char redelim; /* current RE delimiter */
- fout[0] = stdout;
- switch (cchar) {
- case '{': /* start command group */
- cmdp->flags.allbut = !cmdp->flags.allbut;
- cmpstk[bdepth++] = &(cmdp->u.link);
- if (++cmdp >= cmds + MAXCMDS) ABORT(TMCDS);
- return(1);
- case '}': /* end command group */
- if (cmdp->addr1) ABORT(AD1NG); /* no addresses allowed */
- if (--bdepth < 0) ABORT(TMRBR); /* too many right braces */
- *cmpstk[bdepth] = cmdp; /* set the jump address */
- return(1);
- case '=': /* print current source line number */
- case 'q': /* exit the stream editor */
- if (cmdp->addr2) ABORT(AD2NG);
- break;
- case ':': /* label declaration */
- if (cmdp->addr1) ABORT(AD1NG); /* no addresses allowed */
- fp = gettext(lab->name = fp); /* get the label name */
- if (lpt = search(lab)) {/* does it have a double? */
- if (lpt->address) ABORT(DLABL); /* yes, abort */
- } else { /* check that it doesn't overflow label table */
- lab->last = NULL;
- lpt = lab;
- if (++lab >= labels + MAXLABS) ABORT(TMLAB);
- }
- lpt->address = cmdp;
- return(1);
- case 'b': /* branch command */
- case 't': /* branch-on-succeed command */
- case 'T': /* branch-on-fail command */
- SKIPWS(cp);
- if (*cp == '\0') { /* if branch is to start of cmds... */
- /* Add current command to end of label last */
- if (sp1 = lablst->last) {
- while (sp2 = sp1->u.link) sp1 = sp2;
- sp1->u.link = cmdp;
- } else /* lablst->last == NULL */
- lablst->last = cmdp;
- break;
- }
- fp = gettext(lab->name = fp); /* else get label into pool */
- if (lpt = search(lab)) {/* enter branch to it */
- if (lpt->address)
- cmdp->u.link = lpt->address;
- else {
- sp1 = lpt->last;
- while (sp2 = sp1->u.link) sp1 = sp2;
- sp1->u.link = cmdp;
- }
- } else { /* matching named label not found */
- lab->last = cmdp; /* add the new label */
- lab->address = NULL; /* it's forward of here */
- if (++lab >= labels + MAXLABS) /* overflow if last */
- }
- break;
- case 'a': /* append text */
- case 'i': /* insert text */
- case 'r': /* read file into stream */
- if (cmdp->addr2) ABORT(AD2NG);
- case 'c': /* change text */
- if ((*cp == '\\') && (*++cp == '\n')) cp++;
- fp = gettext(cmdp->u.lhs = fp);
- break;
- case 'D': /* delete current line in hold space */
- cmdp->u.link = cmds;
- break;
- case 's': /* substitute regular expression */
- redelim = *cp++; /* get delimiter from 1st ch */
- if ((fp = recomp(cmdp->u.lhs = fp, redelim)) == BAD) ABORT(CGMSG);
- if (fp == cmdp->u.lhs) /* if compiled RE zero len */
- cmdp->u.lhs = lastre; /* use the previous one */
- else /* otherwise */
- lastre = cmdp->u.lhs; /* save the one just found */
- if ((cmdp->rhs = fp) > poolend) ABORT(TMTXT);
- if ((fp = rhscomp(cmdp->rhs, redelim)) == BAD) ABORT(CGMSG);
- if (gflag) cmdp->flags.global ++;
- while (*cp == 'g' || *cp == 'p' || *cp == 'P') {
- IFEQ(cp, 'g') cmdp->flags.global ++;
- IFEQ(cp, 'p') cmdp->flags.print = 1;
- IFEQ(cp, 'P') cmdp->flags.print = 2;
- }
- case 'l': /* list pattern space */
- if (*cp == 'w')
- cp++; /* and execute a w command! */
- else
- break; /* s or l is done */
- case 'w': /* write-pattern-space command */
- case 'W': /* write-first-line command */
- if (nwfiles >= WFILES) ABORT(TMWFI);
- fp = gettext(fname[nwfiles] = fp); /* filename will be in pool */
- for (i = nwfiles - 1; i >= 0; i--) /* match it in table */
- if ((fname[i] != NULL) &&
- (strcmp(fname[nwfiles], fname[i]) == 0)) {
- cmdp->fout = fout[i];
- return(0);
- }
- /* If didn't find one, open new out file */
- if ((cmdp->fout = fopen(fname[nwfiles], "w")) == NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr, CCOFI, fname[nwfiles]);
- quit(2);
- }
- fout[nwfiles++] = cmdp->fout;
- break;
- case 'y': /* transliterate text */
- fp = ycomp(cmdp->u.lhs = fp, *cp++); /* compile translit */
- if (fp == BAD) ABORT(CGMSG); /* fail on bad form */
- if (fp > poolend) ABORT(TMTXT); /* fail on overflow */
- break;
- }
- return(0); /* succeeded in interpreting one command */
- }
- static char *rhscomp(rhsp, delim) /* uses bcount */
- /* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
- /* Generate replacement string for substitute command right hand side */
- register char *rhsp; /* place to compile expression to */
- register char delim; /* regular-expression end-mark to look for */
- {
- register char *p = cp; /* strictly for speed */
- for (;;)
- if ((*rhsp = *p++) == '\\') { /* copy; if it's a \, */
- *rhsp = *p++; /* copy escaped char */
- /* Check validity of pattern tag */
- if (*rhsp > bcount + '0' && *rhsp <= '9') return(BAD);
- *rhsp++ |= 0x80;/* mark the good ones */
- continue;
- } else if (*rhsp == delim) { /* found RE end, hooray... */
- *rhsp++ = '\0'; /* cap the expression string */
- cp = p;
- return(rhsp); /* pt at 1 past the RE */
- } else if (*rhsp++ == '\0') /* last ch not RE end, help! */
- return(BAD);
- }
- static char *recomp(expbuf, redelim) /* uses cp, bcount */
- /* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
- /* Compile a regular expression to internal form */
- char *expbuf; /* place to compile it to */
- char redelim; /* RE end-marker to look for */
- {
- register char *ep = expbuf; /* current-compiled-char pointer */
- register char *sp = cp; /* source-character ptr */
- register int c; /* current-character pointer */
- char negclass; /* all-but flag */
- char *lastep; /* ptr to last expr compiled */
- char *svclass; /* start of current char class */
- char brnest[MAXTAGS]; /* bracket-nesting array */
- char *brnestp; /* ptr to current bracket-nest */
- int classct; /* class element count */
- int tags; /* # of closed tags */
- if (*cp == redelim) /* if first char is RE endmarker */
- return(cp++, expbuf); /* leave existing RE unchanged */
- lastep = NULL; /* there's no previous RE */
- brnestp = brnest; /* initialize ptr to brnest array */
- tags = bcount = 0; /* initialize counters */
- if (*ep++ = (*sp == '^')) /* check for start-of-line syntax */
- sp++;
- for (;;) {
- if (ep >= expbuf + RELIMIT) /* match is too large */
- return(cp = sp, BAD);
- if ((c = *sp++) == redelim) { /* found the end of the RE */
- cp = sp;
- if (brnestp != brnest) /* \(, \) unbalanced */
- return(BAD);
- *ep++ = CEOF; /* write end-of-pattern mark */
- return(ep); /* return ptr to compiled RE */
- }
- if (c != '*') /* if we're a postfix op */
- lastep = ep; /* get ready to match last */
- switch (c) {
- case '\\':
- if ((c = *sp++) == '(') { /* start tagged section */
- if (bcount >= MAXTAGS) return(cp = sp, BAD);
- *brnestp++ = bcount; /* update tag stack */
- *ep++ = CBRA; /* enter tag-start */
- *ep++ = bcount++; /* bump tag count */
- continue;
- } else if (c == ')') { /* end tagged section */
- if (brnestp <= brnest) /* extra \) */
- return(cp = sp, BAD);
- *ep++ = CKET; /* enter end-of-tag */
- *ep++ = *--brnestp; /* pop tag stack */
- tags++; /* count closed tags */
- continue;
- } else if (c >= '1' && c <= '9') { /* tag use */
- if ((c -= '1') >= tags) /* too few */
- return(BAD);
- *ep++ = CBACK; /* enter tag mark */
- *ep++ = c; /* and the number */
- continue;
- } else if (c == '\n') /* escaped newline no good */
- return(cp = sp, BAD);
- else if (c == 'n') /* match a newline */
- c = '\n';
- else if (c == 't') /* match a tab */
- c = '\t';
- else if (c == 'r') /* match a return */
- c = '\r';
- goto defchar;
- case '\0': /* ignore nuls */
- continue;
- case '\n': /* trailing pattern delimiter is missing */
- return(cp = sp, BAD);
- case '.': /* match any char except newline */
- *ep++ = CDOT;
- continue;
- case '*': /* 0..n repeats of previous pattern */
- if (lastep == NULL) /* if * isn't first on line */
- goto defchar; /* match a literal * */
- if (*lastep == CKET) /* can't iterate a tag */
- return(cp = sp, BAD);
- *lastep |= STAR;/* flag previous pattern */
- continue;
- case '$': /* match only end-of-line */
- if (*sp != redelim) /* if we're not at end of RE */
- goto defchar; /* match a literal $ */
- *ep++ = CDOL; /* insert end-symbol mark */
- continue;
- case '[': /* begin character set pattern */
- if (ep + 17 >= expbuf + RELIMIT) ABORT(REITL);
- *ep++ = CCL; /* insert class mark */
- if (negclass = ((c = *sp++) == '^')) c = *sp++;
- svclass = sp; /* save ptr to class start */
- do {
- if (c == '\0') ABORT(CGMSG);
- /* Handle character ranges */
- if (c == '-' && sp > svclass && *sp != ']')
- for (c = sp[-2]; c < *sp; c++)
- ep[c >> 3] |= bits[c & 7];
- /* Handle escape sequences in sets */
- if (c == '\\')
- if ((c = *sp++) == 'n')
- c = '\n';
- else if (c == 't')
- c = '\t';
- else if (c == 'r')
- c = '\r';
- /* Enter (possibly translated) char in set */
- ep[c >> 3] |= bits[c & 7];
- } while
- ((c = *sp++) != ']');
- /* Invert the bitmask if all-but was specified */
- if (negclass) for (classct = 0; classct < 16; classct++)
- ep[classct] ^= 0xFF;
- ep[0] &= 0xFE; /* never match ASCII 0 */
- ep += 16; /* advance ep past set mask */
- continue;
- defchar: /* match literal character */
- default: /* which is what we'd do by default */
- *ep++ = CCHR; /* insert character mark */
- *ep++ = c;
- }
- }
- }
- static int cmdline(cbuf) /* uses eflag, eargc, cmdf */
- /* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
- /* Read next command from -e argument or command file */
- register char *cbuf;
- {
- register int inc; /* not char because must hold EOF */
- *cbuf-- = 0; /* so pre-increment points us at cbuf */
- /* E command flag is on */
- if (eflag) {
- register char *p; /* ptr to current -e argument */
- static char *savep; /* saves previous value of p */
- if (eflag > 0) { /* there are pending -e arguments */
- eflag = -1;
- if (eargc-- <= 0) quit(2); /* if no arguments, barf */
- /* Else transcribe next e argument into cbuf */
- p = *++eargv;
- while (*++cbuf = *p++)
- if (*cbuf == '\\') {
- if ((*++cbuf = *p++) == '\0')
- return(savep = NULL, -1);
- else
- continue;
- } else if (*cbuf == '\n') { /* end of 1 cmd line */
- *cbuf = '\0';
- return(savep = p, 1);
- /* We'll be back for the rest... */
- }
- /* Found end-of-string; can advance to next argument */
- return(savep = NULL, 1);
- }
- if ((p = savep) == NULL) return(-1);
- while (*++cbuf = *p++)
- if (*cbuf == '\\') {
- if ((*++cbuf = *p++) == '0')
- return(savep = NULL, -1);
- else
- continue;
- } else if (*cbuf == '\n') {
- *cbuf = '\0';
- return(savep = p, 1);
- }
- return(savep = NULL, 1);
- }
- /* If no -e flag read from command file descriptor */
- while ((inc = getc(cmdf)) != EOF) /* get next char */
- if ((*++cbuf = inc) == '\\') /* if it's escape */
- *++cbuf = inc = getc(cmdf); /* get next char */
- else if (*cbuf == '\n') /* end on newline */
- return(*cbuf = '\0', 1); /* cap the string */
- return(*++cbuf = '\0', -1); /* end-of-file, no more chars */
- }
- static char *address(expbuf) /* uses cp, linenum */
- /* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
- /* Expand an address at *cp... into expbuf, return ptr at following char */
- register char *expbuf;
- {
- static int numl = 0; /* current ind in addr-number table */
- register char *rcp; /* temp compile ptr for forwd look */
- long lno; /* computed value of numeric address */
- if (*cp == '$') { /* end-of-source address */
- *expbuf++ = CEND; /* write symbolic end address */
- *expbuf++ = CEOF; /* and the end-of-address mark (!) */
- cp++; /* go to next source character */
- return(expbuf); /* we're done */
- }
- if (*cp == '/' || *cp == '\\') { /* start of regular-expression match */
- if (*cp == '\\') cp++;
- return(recomp(expbuf, *cp++)); /* compile the RE */
- }
- rcp = cp;
- lno = 0; /* now handle a numeric address */
- while (*rcp >= '0' && *rcp <= '9') /* collect digits */
- lno = lno * 10 + *rcp++ - '0'; /* compute their value */
- if (rcp > cp) { /* if we caught a number... */
- *expbuf++ = CLNUM; /* put a numeric-address marker */
- *expbuf++ = numl; /* and the address table index */
- linenum[numl++] = lno; /* and set the table entry */
- if (numl >= MAXLINES) /* oh-oh, address table overflow */
- ABORT(TMLNR); /* abort with error message */
- *expbuf++ = CEOF; /* write the end-of-address marker */
- cp = rcp; /* point compile past the address */
- return(expbuf); /* we're done */
- }
- return(NULL); /* no legal address was found */
- }
- static char *gettext(txp) /* uses global cp */
- /* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
- /* Accept multiline input from *cp..., discarding leading whitespace */
- register char *txp; /* where to put the text */
- {
- register char *p = cp; /* this is for speed */
- SKIPWS(p); /* discard whitespace */
- do {
- if ((*txp = *p++) == '\\') /* handle escapes */
- *txp = *p++;
- if (*txp == '\0') /* we're at end of input */
- return(cp = --p, ++txp);
- else if (*txp == '\n') /* also SKIPWS after newline */
- SKIPWS(p);
- } while
- (txp++); /* keep going till we find that nul */
- return(txp);
- }
- static label *search(ptr) /* uses global lablst */
- /* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
- /* Find the label matching *ptr, return NULL if none */
- register label *ptr;
- {
- register label *rp;
- for (rp = lablst; rp < ptr; rp++)
- if ((rp->name != NULL) && (strcmp(rp->name, ptr->name) == 0))
- return(rp);
- return(NULL);
- }
- static void resolve()
- /* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
- { /* uses global lablst */
- /* Write label links into the compiled-command space */
- register label *lptr;
- register sedcmd *rptr, *trptr;
- /* Loop through the label table */
- for (lptr = lablst; lptr < lab; lptr++)
- if (lptr->address == NULL) { /* barf if not defined */
- fprintf(stderr, ULABL, lptr->name);
- quit(2);
- } else if (lptr->last) {/* if last is non-null */
- rptr = lptr->last; /* chase it */
- while (trptr = rptr->u.link) { /* resolve refs */
- rptr->u.link = lptr->address;
- rptr = trptr;
- }
- rptr->u.link = lptr->address;
- }
- }
- static char *ycomp(ep, delim)
- /* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
- /* Compile a y (transliterate) command */
- register char *ep; /* where to compile to */
- char delim; /* end delimiter to look for */
- {
- register char *tp, *sp;
- register int c;
- /* Scan the 'from' section for invalid chars */
- for (sp = tp = cp; *tp != delim; tp++) {
- if (*tp == '\\') tp++;
- if ((*tp == '\n') || (*tp == '\0')) return (BAD);
- }
- tp++; /* tp now points at first char of 'to'
- * section */
- /* Now rescan the 'from' section */
- while ((c = *sp++ & 0x7F) != delim) {
- if (c == '\\' && *sp == 'n') {
- sp++;
- c = '\n';
- }
- if ((ep[c] = *tp++) == '\\' && *tp == 'n') {
- ep[c] = '\n';
- tp++;
- }
- if ((ep[c] == delim) || (ep[c] == '\0')) return(BAD);
- }
- if (*tp != delim) /* 'to', 'from' parts have unequal lengths */
- return(BAD);
- cp = ++tp; /* point compile ptr past translit */
- for (c = 0; c < 128; c++) /* fill in self-map entries in table */
- if (ep[c] == 0) ep[c] = c;
- return(ep + 0x80); /* return first free location past table end */
- }
- void quit(n)
- /* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
- int n;
- {
- /* Flush buffers and exit. Now a historical relic. Rely on exit to flush
- * the buffers.
- */
- exit(n);
- }
- /*+++++++++++++++*/
- /*
- sedexec.c -- execute compiled form of stream editor commands
- The single entry point of this module is the function execute(). It
- may take a string argument (the name of a file to be used as text) or
- the argument NULL which tells it to filter standard input. It executes
- the compiled commands in cmds[] on each line in turn.
- The function command() does most of the work. Match() and advance()
- are used for matching text against precompiled regular expressions and
- dosub() does right-hand-side substitution. Getline() does text input;
- readout() and Memcmp() are output and string-comparison utilities.
- */
- /* #include <stdio.h> */
- /* #include <ctype.h> */
- /* #include "sed.h" */
- /***** shared variables imported from the main ******/
- /* Main data areas */
- extern char linebuf[]; /* current-line buffer */
- extern sedcmd cmds[]; /* hold compiled commands */
- extern long linenum[]; /* numeric-addresses table */
- /* Miscellaneous shared variables */
- extern int nflag; /* -n option flag */
- extern int eargc; /* scratch copy of argument count */
- extern char **eargv; /* scratch copy of argument list */
- extern char bits[]; /* the bits table */
- /***** end of imported stuff *****/
- #define MAXHOLD MAXBUF /* size of the hold space */
- #define GENSIZ MAXBUF /* maximum genbuf size */
- #define TRUE 1
- #define FALSE 0
- static char LTLMSG[] = "sed: line too long\n";
- static char *spend; /* current end-of-line-buffer pointer */
- static long lnum = 0L; /* current source line number */
- /* Append buffer maintenance */
- static sedcmd *appends[MAXAPPENDS]; /* array of ptrs to a,i,c commands */
- static sedcmd **aptr = appends; /* ptr to current append */
- /* Genbuf and its pointers */
- static char genbuf[GENSIZ];
- static char *loc1;
- static char *loc2;
- static char *locs;
- /* Command-logic flags */
- static int lastline; /* do-line flag */
- static int jump; /* jump to cmd's link address if set */
- static int delete; /* delete command flag */
- /* Tagged-pattern tracking */
- static char *bracend[MAXTAGS]; /* tagged pattern start pointers */
- static char *brastart[MAXTAGS]; /* tagged pattern end pointers */
- static int anysub; /* true if any s on current line succeeded */
- void execute()
- /* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
- /* Execute the compiled commands in cmds[] */
- {
- register char *p1; /* dummy copy ptrs */
- register sedcmd *ipc; /* ptr to current command */
- char *execp; /* ptr to source */
- initget();
- /* Here's the main command-execution loop */
- for (;;) {
- /* Get next line to filter */
- if ((execp = getline(linebuf)) == BAD) return;
- spend = execp;
- anysub = FALSE;
- /* Loop through compiled commands, executing them */
- for (ipc = cmds; ipc->command;) {
- if (!selected(ipc)) {
- ipc++;
- continue;
- }
- command(ipc); /* execute the command pointed at */
- if (delete) /* if delete flag is set */
- break; /* don't exec rest of compiled cmds */
- if (jump) { /* if jump set, follow cmd's link */
- jump = FALSE;
- if ((ipc = ipc->u.link) == 0) {
- ipc = cmds;
- break;
- }
- } else /* normal goto next command */
- ipc++;
- }
- /* We've now done all modification commands on the line */
- /* Here's where the transformed line is output */
- if (!nflag && !delete) {
- for (p1 = linebuf; p1 < spend; p1++) putc(*p1, stdout);
- putc('\n', stdout);
- }
- /* If we've been set up for append, emit the text from it */
- if (aptr > appends) readout();
- delete = FALSE; /* clear delete flag; about to get next cmd */
- }
- }
- static int selected(ipc)
- /* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
- /* Is current command selected */
- sedcmd *ipc;
- {
- register char *p1 = ipc->addr1; /* point p1 at first address */
- register char *p2 = ipc->addr2; /* and p2 at second */
- int c;
- int sel = TRUE; /* select by default */
- if (!p1) /* No addresses: always selected */
- ;
- else if (ipc->flags.inrange) {
- if (*p2 == CEND);
- else if (*p2 == CLNUM) {
- c = p2[1] & CMASK;
- if (lnum >= linenum[c]) {
- ipc->flags.inrange = FALSE;
- if (lnum > linenum[c]) sel = FALSE;
- }
- } else if (match(p2, 0))
- ipc->flags.inrange = FALSE;
- } else if (*p1 == CEND) {
- if (!lastline) sel = FALSE;
- } else if (*p1 == CLNUM) {
- c = p1[1] & CMASK;
- if (lnum != linenum[c])
- sel = FALSE;
- else if (p2)
- ipc->flags.inrange = TRUE;
- } else if (match(p1, 0)) {
- if (p2) ipc->flags.inrange = TRUE;
- } else
- sel = FALSE;
- return ipc->flags.allbut ? !sel : sel;
- }
- static int match(expbuf, gf) /* uses genbuf */
- /* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
- /* Match RE at expbuf against linebuf; if gf set, copy linebuf from genbuf */
- char *expbuf;
- int gf;
- {
- register char *p1, *p2, c;
- if (gf) {
- if (*expbuf) return(FALSE);
- p1 = linebuf;
- p2 = genbuf;
- while (*p1++ = *p2++);
- locs = p1 = loc2;
- } else {
- p1 = linebuf;
- locs = FALSE;
- }
- p2 = expbuf;
- if (*p2++) {
- loc1 = p1;
- if (*p2 == CCHR && p2[1] != *p1) /* 1st char is wrong */
- return(FALSE); /* so fail */
- return(advance(p1, p2));/* else try to match rest */
- }
- /* Quick check for 1st character if it's literal */
- if (*p2 == CCHR) {
- c = p2[1]; /* pull out character to search for */
- do {
- if (*p1 != c) continue; /* scan the source string */
- if (advance(p1, p2)) /* found it, match the rest */
- return(loc1 = p1, 1);
- } while
- (*p1++);
- return(FALSE); /* didn't find that first char */
- }
- /* Else try for unanchored match of the pattern */
- do {
- if (advance(p1, p2)) return(loc1 = p1, 1);
- } while
- (*p1++);
- /* If got here, didn't match either way */
- return(FALSE);
- }
- static int advance(lp, ep)
- /* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
- /* Attempt to advance match pointer by one pattern element */
- register char *lp; /* source (linebuf) ptr */
- register char *ep; /* regular expression element ptr */
- {
- register char *curlp; /* save ptr for closures */
- char c; /* scratch character holder */
- char *bbeg;
- int ct;
- for (;;) switch (*ep++) {
- case CCHR: /* literal character */
- if (*ep++ == *lp++) /* if chars are equal */
- continue; /* matched */
- return(FALSE); /* else return false */
- case CDOT: /* anything but newline */
- if (*lp++) /* first NUL is at EOL */
- continue; /* keep going if didn't find */
- return(FALSE); /* else return false */
- case CNL: /* start-of-line */
- case CDOL: /* end-of-line */
- if (*lp == 0) /* found that first NUL? */
- continue; /* yes, keep going */
- return(FALSE); /* else return false */
- case CEOF: /* end-of-address mark */
- loc2 = lp; /* set second loc */
- return(TRUE); /* return true */
- case CCL: /* a closure */
- c = *lp++ & 0177;
- if (ep[c >> 3] & bits[c & 07]) { /* is char in set? */
- ep += 16; /* then skip rest of bitmask */
- continue; /* and keep going */
- }
- return(FALSE); /* else return false */
- case CBRA: /* start of tagged pattern */
- brastart[*ep++] = lp; /* mark it */
- continue; /* and go */
- case CKET: /* end of tagged pattern */
- bracend[*ep++] = lp; /* mark it */
- continue; /* and go */
- case CBACK:
- bbeg = brastart[*ep];
- ct = bracend[*ep++] - bbeg;
- if (Memcmp(bbeg, lp, ct)) {
- lp += ct;
- continue;
- }
- return(FALSE);
- case CBACK | STAR:
- bbeg = brastart[*ep];
- ct = bracend[*ep++] - bbeg;
- curlp = lp;
- while (Memcmp(bbeg, lp, ct)) lp += ct;
- while (lp >= curlp) {
- if (advance(lp, ep)) return(TRUE);
- lp -= ct;
- }
- return(FALSE);
- case CDOT | STAR: /* match .* */
- curlp = lp; /* save closure start loc */
- while (*lp++); /* match anything */
- goto star; /* now look for followers */
- case CCHR | STAR: /* match <literal char>* */
- curlp = lp; /* save closure start loc */
- while (*lp++ == *ep); /* match many of that char */
- ep++; /* to start of next element */
- goto star; /* match it and followers */
- case CCL | STAR: /* match [...]* */
- curlp = lp; /* save closure start loc */
- do {
- c = *lp++ & 0x7F; /* match any in set */
- } while
- (ep[c >> 3] & bits[c & 07]);
- ep += 16; /* skip past the set */
- goto star; /* match followers */
- star: /* the recursion part of a * or + match */
- if (--lp == curlp) /* 0 matches */
- continue;
- if (*ep == CCHR) {
- c = ep[1];
- do {
- if (*lp != c) continue;
- if (advance(lp, ep)) return (TRUE);
- } while
- (lp-- > curlp);
- return(FALSE);
- }
- if (*ep == CBACK) {
- c = *(brastart[ep[1]]);
- do {
- if (*lp != c) continue;
- if (advance(lp, ep)) return (TRUE);
- } while
- (lp-- > curlp);
- return(FALSE);
- }
- do {
- if (lp == locs) break;
- if (advance(lp, ep)) return (TRUE);
- } while
- (lp-- > curlp);
- return(FALSE);
- default:
- fprintf(stderr, "sed: RE error, %o\n", *--ep);
- quit(2);
- }
- }
- static int substitute(ipc)
- /* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
- /* Perform s command */
- sedcmd *ipc; /* ptr to s command struct */
- {
- int nullmatch;
- if (match(ipc->u.lhs, 0)) { /* if no match */
- nullmatch = (loc1 == loc2);
- dosub(ipc->rhs); /* perform it once */
- } else
- return(FALSE); /* command fails */
- if (ipc->flags.global) /* if global flag enabled */
- while (*loc2) { /* cycle through possibles */
- if (nullmatch) loc2++;
- if (match(ipc->u.lhs, 1)) { /* found another */
- nullmatch = (loc1 == loc2);
- dosub(ipc->rhs); /* so substitute */
- } else /* otherwise, */
- break; /* we're done */
- }
- return(TRUE); /* we succeeded */
- }
- static void dosub(rhsbuf) /* uses linebuf, genbuf, spend */
- /* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
- /* Generate substituted right-hand side (of s command) */
- char *rhsbuf; /* where to put the result */
- {
- register char *lp, *sp, *rp;
- int c;
- /* Copy linebuf to genbuf up to location 1 */
- lp = linebuf;
- sp = genbuf;
- while (lp < loc1) *sp++ = *lp++;
- for (rp = rhsbuf; c = *rp++;) {
- if (c == '&') {
- sp = place(sp, loc1, loc2);
- continue;
- } else if (c & 0200 && (c &= 0177) >= '1' && c < MAXTAGS + '1') {
- sp = place(sp, brastart[c - '1'], bracend[c - '1']);
- continue;
- }
- *sp++ = c & 0177;
- if (sp >= genbuf + MAXBUF) fprintf(stderr, LTLMSG);
- }
- lp = loc2;
- loc2 = sp - genbuf + linebuf;
- while (*sp++ = *lp++)
- if (sp >= genbuf + MAXBUF) fprintf(stderr, LTLMSG);
- lp = linebuf;
- sp = genbuf;
- while (*lp++ = *sp++);
- spend = lp - 1;
- }
- static char *place(asp, al1, al2) /* uses genbuf */
- /* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
- /* Place chars at *al1...*(al1 - 1) at asp... in genbuf[] */
- register char *asp, *al1, *al2;
- {
- while (al1 < al2) {
- *asp++ = *al1++;
- if (asp >= genbuf + MAXBUF) fprintf(stderr, LTLMSG);
- }
- return(asp);
- }
- static void listto(p1, fp)
- /* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
- /* Write a hex dump expansion of *p1... to fp */
- register char *p1; /* the source */
- FILE *fp; /* output stream to write to */
- {
- p1--;
- while (*p1++)
- if (isprint(*p1))
- putc(*p1, fp); /* pass it through */
- else {
- putc('\\', fp); /* emit a backslash */
- switch (*p1) {
- case '\b':
- putc('b', fp);
- break; /* BS */
- case '\t':
- putc('t', fp);
- break; /* TAB */
- case '\n':
- putc('n', fp);
- break; /* NL */
- case '\r':
- putc('r', fp);
- break; /* CR */
- case '\33':
- putc('e', fp);
- break; /* ESC */
- default:
- fprintf(fp, "%02x", *p1 & 0xFF);
- }
- }
- putc('\n', fp);
- }
- static void truncated(h)
- /* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
- int h;
- {
- static long last = 0L;
- if (lnum == last) return;
- last = lnum;
- fprintf(stderr, "sed: ");
- fprintf(stderr, h ? "hold space" : "line %ld", lnum);
- fprintf(stderr, " truncated to %d characters\n", MAXBUF);
- }
- static void command(ipc)
- /* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
- /* Execute compiled command pointed at by ipc */
- sedcmd *ipc;
- {
- static char holdsp[MAXHOLD + 1]; /* the hold space */
- static char *hspend = holdsp; /* hold space end pointer */
- register char *p1, *p2;
- char *execp;
- int didsub; /* true if last s succeeded */
- switch (ipc->command) {
- case ACMD: /* append */
- *aptr++ = ipc;
- if (aptr >= appends + MAXAPPENDS) fprintf(stderr,
- "sed: too many appends after line %ld\n",
- lnum);
- *aptr = 0;
- break;
- case CCMD: /* change pattern space */
- delete = TRUE;
- if (!ipc->flags.inrange || lastline) printf("%s\n", ipc->u.lhs);
- break;
- case DCMD: /* delete pattern space */
- delete++;
- break;
- case CDCMD: /* delete a line in hold space */
- p1 = p2 = linebuf;
- while (*p1 != '\n')
- if (delete = (*p1++ == 0)) return;
- p1++;
- while (*p2++ = *p1++) continue;
- spend = p2 - 1;
- jump++;
- break;
- case EQCMD: /* show current line number */
- fprintf(stdout, "%ld\n", lnum);
- break;
- case GCMD: /* copy hold space to pattern space */
- p1 = linebuf;
- p2 = holdsp;
- while (*p1++ = *p2++);
- spend = p1 - 1;
- break;
- case CGCMD: /* append hold space to pattern space */
- *spend++ = '\n';
- p1 = spend;
- p2 = holdsp;
- do
- if (p1 > linebuf + MAXBUF) {
- truncated(0);
- p1[-1] = 0;
- break;
- }
- while (*p1++ = *p2++);
- spend = p1 - 1;
- break;
- case HCMD: /* copy pattern space to hold space */
- p1 = holdsp;
- p2 = linebuf;
- while (*p1++ = *p2++);
- hspend = p1 - 1;
- break;
- case CHCMD: /* append pattern space to hold space */
- *hspend++ = '\n';
- p1 = hspend;
- p2 = linebuf;
- do
- if (p1 > holdsp + MAXBUF) {
- truncated(1);
- p1[-1] = 0;
- break;
- }
- while (*p1++ = *p2++);
- hspend = p1 - 1;
- break;
- case ICMD: /* insert text */
- printf("%s\n", ipc->u.lhs);
- break;
- case BCMD: /* branch to label */
- jump = TRUE;
- break;
- case LCMD: /* list text */
- listto(linebuf, (ipc->fout != NULL) ? ipc->fout : stdout);
- break;
- case NCMD: /* read next line into pattern space */
- if (!nflag) puts(linebuf); /* flush out the current line */
- if (aptr > appends) readout(); /* do pending a, r commands */
- if ((execp = getline(linebuf)) == BAD) {
- delete = TRUE;
- break;
- }
- spend = execp;
- anysub = FALSE;
- break;
- case CNCMD: /* append next line to pattern space */
- if (aptr > appends) readout();
- *spend++ = '\n';
- if ((execp = getline(spend)) == BAD) {
- *--spend = 0;
- break;
- }
- spend = execp;
- anysub = FALSE;
- break;
- case PCMD: /* print pattern space */
- puts(linebuf);
- break;
- case CPCMD: /* print one line from pattern space */
- cpcom: /* so s command can jump here */
- for (p1 = linebuf; (*p1 != '\n') && (*p1 != '\0');p1++) putc(*p1, stdout);
- putc('\n', stdout);
- break;
- case QCMD: /* quit the stream editor */
- if (!nflag) puts(linebuf); /* flush out the current line */
- if (aptr > appends)
- readout(); /* do any pending a and r commands */
- quit(0);
- case RCMD: /* read a file into the stream */
- *aptr++ = ipc;
- if (aptr >= appends + MAXAPPENDS) fprintf(stderr,
- "sed: too many reads after line %ld\n",
- lnum);
- *aptr = 0;
- break;
- case SCMD: /* substitute RE */
- didsub = substitute(ipc);
- if (didsub) anysub = TRUE;
- if (ipc->flags.print && didsub)
- if (ipc->flags.print == TRUE)
- puts(linebuf);
- else
- goto cpcom;
- if (didsub && ipc->fout) fprintf(ipc->fout, "%s\n", linebuf);
- break;
- case TCMD: /* branch on any s successful */
- case CTCMD: /* branch on any s failed */
- if (anysub == (ipc->command == CTCMD))
- break; /* no branch if any s failed, else */
- anysub = FALSE;
- jump = TRUE; /* set up to jump to assoc'd label */
- break;
- case CWCMD: /* write one line from pattern space */
- for (p1 = linebuf; *p1 != '\n' && *p1 != '\0';p1++)
- putc(*p1, ipc->fout);
- putc('\n', ipc->fout);
- break;
- case WCMD: /* write pattern space to file */
- fprintf(ipc->fout, "%s\n", linebuf);
- break;
- case XCMD: /* exchange pattern and hold spaces */
- p1 = linebuf;
- p2 = genbuf;
- while (*p2++ = *p1++) continue;
- p1 = holdsp;
- p2 = linebuf;
- while (*p2++ = *p1++) continue;
- spend = p2 - 1;
- p1 = genbuf;
- p2 = holdsp;
- while (*p2++ = *p1++) continue;
- hspend = p2 - 1;
- break;
- case YCMD:
- p1 = linebuf;
- p2 = ipc->u.lhs;
- while (*p1 = p2[*p1]) p1++;
- break;
- }
- }
- static void openfile(file)
- /* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
- char *file;
- /* Replace stdin by given file */
- {
- if (freopen(file, "r", stdin) == NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr, "sed: can't open %s\n", file);
- quit(1);
- }
- }
- static int c; /* Will be the next char to read, a kind of
- * lookahead */
- static void get()
- /* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
- /* Read next character into c treating all argument files as run through cat */
- {
- while ((c = getchar()) == EOF && --eargc >= 0) openfile(*eargv++);
- }
- static void initget()
- /* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
- /* Initialise character input */
- {
- if (--eargc >= 0) openfile(*eargv++); /* else input == stdin */
- get();
- }
- static char *getline(buf)
- /* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
- /* Get next line of text to be edited, return pointer to end */
- register char *buf; /* where to send the input */
- {
- if (c == EOF) return BAD;
- lnum++; /* we can read a new line */
- do {
- if (c == '\n') {
- get();
- break;
- }
- if (buf <= linebuf + MAXBUF) *buf++ = c;
- get();
- } while (c != EOF);
- if (c == EOF) lastline = TRUE;
- if (buf > linebuf + MAXBUF) {
- truncated(0);
- --buf;
- }
- *buf = 0;
- return buf;
- }
- static int Memcmp(a, b, count)
- /* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
- /* Return TRUE if *a... == *b... for count chars, FALSE otherwise */
- register char *a, *b;
- int count;
- {
- while (count--) /* look at count characters */
- if (*a++ != *b++) /* if any are nonequal */
- return(FALSE); /* return FALSE for false */
- return(TRUE); /* compare succeeded */
- }
- static void readout()
- /* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
- /* Write file indicated by r command to output */
- {
- register int t; /* hold input char or EOF */
- FILE *fi; /* ptr to file to be read */
- aptr = appends - 1; /* arrange for pre-increment to work right */
- while (*++aptr)
- if ((*aptr)->command == ACMD) /* process "a" cmd */
- printf("%s\n", (*aptr)->u.lhs);
- else { /* process "r" cmd */
- if ((fi = fopen((*aptr)->u.lhs, "r")) == NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr, "sed: can't open %s\n",
- (*aptr)->u.lhs);
- continue;
- }
- while ((t = getc(fi)) != EOF) putc((char) t, stdout);
- fclose(fi);
- }
- aptr = appends; /* reset the append ptr */
- *aptr = 0;
- }
- /* Sedexec.c ends here */
- /* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */